martes, 25 de enero de 2011

The Easy Truth

First of all, this blog is not exclusively for truth is obviously not easy as many of us know, but it's called Easy Truth because sometimes the answer is as simple in the world, but we are sometimes we complex ourselves with work, in school, do not fill your shoes, wasting time, your sweetheart,  even about LIVING! When the reality is that sometimes it is much easier than we think .... 
Maybe this article, well no one will read it, but I will continue to speak in the plural, as if someone read this. Anyone can comment, because of the large walls of the internet, but I wanna feel at least make a contribution to how heavy it is life.
Personally I like to get home, relax and listen to or read advice from someone else... BUT REMEMBER, IT IS ALWAYS THE BEST SOLUTION "stop waiting".

1 comentario:

  1. To the writer of this website.
    I like your polite laid back gentle words. Much respect. To you.
    Regarding this website .
    So I give you this.
    To find truth? One must first not ignore truth.
    This is where humanity seems to fail.
    As the truth is easy to find.
    The problem?
    People prefer luxury and corruption.
    It's that simple.
    Yet regardless" that doesnt alter the fact
    Trurh still remains obvious.
    For those who are willing to listen.
    On that note I give you this website.
    In my opinion gifs the best place to begin " for mortals" in deciphering the real simple concepts of truth for all people.
    In this life.
    If you read it?
    Please check the facts referred to in the site
    Thank you for your website.
    On that note I wish you a lovely day.
